Felicien Izaturwanaho

PhD Student, Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: 

Enhancing Health Inclusion Services for Homeless People: Towards Trauma-Informed e-Case Management System in Acute Care


I am leading the way at Trinity College Dublin’s School of Psychology in understanding the user needs of an electronic case management system that takes psychological trauma into account. It’s believed that this digital platform would enhance care coordination and continuity across time and place. This capitalizes on my experience in human factors, trauma-informed care, and digital health—all gained from my work in Rwanda—to improve Inclusive Health Services at St. James’s Hospital for Ireland’s homeless population. My interest lies on leveraging human-centered design principles in digital health technology to address disparities in health. I am supervised by Prof. Siobhán Corrigan, Prof. Marie Ward, and Prof. Clíona Ní Cheallaigh.


Prof. Siobhán Corrigan(TCD), Prof. Marie Ward (TCD), and Prof. Clíona Ní Cheallaigh (TCD)